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Sureny review 

A well-kept gastronomic secret, Sureny boasts superb gourmet tapas and waiters who know what they're about. In addition to the usual run-of-the-mill tortilla 'n' calamares fare found in tapas bars everywhere, look out for dishes such as tuna marinated in ginger and soy sauce, partridge, venison and other game when in season, and a sublime duck foie with redcurrant sauce.To round off an evening of tapas with some spectacular ice-cream, cross the square to the Gelateria Caffeteria Italiana. 


review for Sureny

Appearances can be deceiving: the cooks in this unremarkable looking corner restaurant dedicate themselves to producing gourmet tapas and raciones, ranging from exquisite vieiras (scallops) to a serving of secreto ibérico, a particular tasty cut of pork meat (near the porcine equivalent of the armpit, perhaps that’s the ‘secret’). The menú del día is decent value at €9.90.

Restaurant, Barcelona
Restaurant mit regionaler Küche.
Besonders angenehmes Ambiente.
Die hohe Kunst der modernen Tapasküche, serviert in einem rustikal-gemütlichen Ambiente. Hier gibt es überraschende kulinarische Kombinationen zu vernünftigen Preisen. Im Multikultiviertel Gràcia. Freitag und Samstag unbedingt reservieren!


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